
Sunday 1 December 2013

Interesting Ways To Give Money As A Present

So have come up with some interesting ways to give money as a present recently and felt like I should share them with you. I know that quite often my friends give me absolutely nothing they want for Christmas and birthdays and I always feel like just money in an envelope is not that exciting so hopefully these will help you too.
  1. Money Chocolate Box-This is amazing its so simple yet looks amazing and all you really need is a box and some paper cases. You can put notes or coins amounting to however much you want. You could even throw in some chocolate money!
  2. Money Balloon - I think this really cute and really fun as well. You just need to pick their favourite colour of balloon and put some money into it before blowing it up and there you go. If you can get helium it looks even better!
  3. Open When Envelopes - These are adorable and allow you to be really creative. All you need to do is write "open when..." on an envelope, add and ending for example "... you need some chocolate" and simply put £1 in the envelope. The possibilities are endless, " want to go to the cinema" and way hey a tenner! 
So that's it if you have any more ideas comment them below and I'll be sure to add them. As always ideas for posts are always welcome and make sure to follow me on bloglovin! Also if you have any questions about basically anything I'll be more than happy to answer.
See you soon

Ella xoxo

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